I can be very lazy and forget to take my supplements (ones that my doc instructed me to take every day), so my boyfriend and I agreed on a rule to help me keep my routine: 1) that I take them every day with no exception, and 2) I message him after I take them. However my laziness got the best of me... I failed to keep this promise multiple times and was promised a spanking. Implements used: hand, mini paddle, tawse, cane, jumprope.
Length: 52:46
长度: 24:35
在新宿享受了一次愉快的约会和一次金箔活动之后,我们回家休息,然后上床睡觉......我是这么想的。我忘了,我又一次搞砸了,忘了吃药。他用睡前打屁股的方式彻底提醒了我...... 使用工具:手、地毯打拍子、球拍、跳绳、橡皮桨(pan-ton)、手铐。
长度: 42:55
长度: 36:42